Pinan Sandan
Rank Color: Orange
Pinan Sandan is an orange belt kata that builds on Pinan Nidan. This kata features more advanced stances and blocks such as cat stances and reinforced blocks.
Stances Used:
- Cat Stance
- Fighting Stance
- Horse Stance
- Heisoku Dachi (Feet Together Stance)
- Musubi Dachi (Heels Together, Feet apart 45 degrees)
- Back Stance
- Heiko Dachi (Feet shoulder with apart)
Techniques Used:
- Middle Block
- Double Block (one hand middle, one hand low)
- Nukite (spear hand)
- Hammer Fist
- Punch
- Elbow Block
- Back Fist
- Back Elbow
- Over Shoulder Punch
Pinan Yondan
Rank Color: Green
Pinan Yondan is an intermediate kata learned by green belts. Imitating the previous katas by moving linearly across the mat, this kata features more complex stances and blocks.
Stances Used:
- Cat Stance
- Fighting Stance
- Heisoku Dachi (Feet Together Stance)
- Kosa Dachi [Hidden Foot (cross feet)]
Techniques Used:
- Knife Hand Block (with other hand on forehead)
- Low X-block
- Assisted Middle Block
- Hammer Fist
- Front Kick
- Elbow Strike
- Open Hand Low Block
- Neck Chop
- Back Fist
- Shuto (Knife hand block)
Long Stance
Back Stance
Cat Stance

Attention stance
Cover Punch
Neck Chop
Palm Strike
Elbow Strikes
Spear Hands
Inner/Outer Crescent Kick
Side Kick (Lead + Back Leg)
Step Behind Side Kick
Hook Kick (Lead + Back Leg)
Back Kick
Double Roundhouse Kick
Low-High Roundhouse Kick
Lead Leg Sweep
Knife Hand (Middle + Low Block)
Scissor Block
Wing Block
X-Block (Low + High)
Reinforced Middle Block
Switch (Forward, Backward)
Lateral Steps
Back Turning Steps
Knee Fake