All styles welcome!
Registration automatically enters you in kata and sparring divisions
More information will be sent regarding division times/logistics
We will set brackets and times the week before the tournament

Each competitor must present him/herself to the referee suitably attired and physically prepared to compete. Jewelry or any object which the referee feels might endanger either competitor cannot be worn. Finger and toe nails must be properly trimmed or covered to eliminate any possible chance of injury to an opponent. It is the competitor's responsibility to be ready to compete when called. If he/she is not suitably attired or physically prepared to compete as deemed by the center referee, the competitor may be penalized for delay of time.
Delay of Time Penalty
Sparring: If a competitor does not present him/herself suitably attired to compete, an automatic warning will be issued to the competitor. A penalty point will be issued for each minute the competitor is not properly ready to compete. Upon receiving 2 penalty points, the offending competitor will be disqualified.
Form: If a competitor is not properly prepared or suitably attired for form competition, .10 points will be deducted from their final score. For each full minute the competitor is not ready to compete, an additional .10 points will be deducted from their final score. If the competitor is still not ready to compete after 3 minutes have expired, he/she will be automatically disqualified.
Rank Rule: All competitors must compete at the highest belt level they have earned in the martial arts. A competitor can never compete in a division of which he/she has not earned that rank. Once a competitor competes as a black belt, he/she must always compete as a black belt.
Uniform: All competitors must wear a sport karate (kung fu, tae kwon do, etc.) (martial arts t-shirts are acceptable in forms competition only) uniform in a good condition. A competitor with offensive words or art work on the uniform may be denied the privilege of participation. The appropriate color belt or sash must be worn in competition. No shoes are allowed in the sparring division.
Form Uniforms: T-shirts, tank tops and sweat shirts are allowed in form if they are part of a competitor's official school or if they list the school's name or logo on the uniform top. Uniforms in the form divisions are allowed more liberties because form is not one-on-one competition where the uniform could cause a decisive disadvantage or advantage to a competitor. Shoes may be worn in form competition if they do not damage or mark the competition floor.
Responsibilities: It is the competitor's responsibility to know the rules and to be ready for competition when called to do so. He/she must be suitably attired and at the appropriate ring when competition begins. If the competitor is not at his/her ring to compete when competition begins, he/she may not be allowed to compete. If a competitor leaves a ring after the ring competition begins and is not present when his/her name is called to compete, his/her name will be called three (3) times at ringside. If he/she is still not present to compete on the third call, he/she will be disqualified.
Required and Recommended Safety Equipment
Approved head gear, hand and foot pads, mouthpieces and groin cups (for male competitors only) are mandatory for all competitors in all sparring divisions. Because of the many brands and styles of martial arts equipment on the market today and more coming out each year, space prohibits listing all brands which are considered safe. Approved equipment means that each competitor's equipment will be checked to see if it is safe for use. If it is deemed unsafe, he/she will be asked to change the equipment before he/she can compete. The following is a list of important and required features of approved safety equipment.
1. Hand Pads - a soft padded, surface must cover the fingers, wrist and any striking surface of the hand. The striking areas such as the ridge of the hand (ridge hand) side of the hand (chop, hammer fist), back of the fist (back fist), and knuckles (punch) must be covered with a soft padded surface.
2. Kicks - A soft padded surface must cover the instep, sides, toes, ankle and back of the heel of the foot.
3. Head Gear - The front, sides and back of the head must be covered by a soft padded surface. Face guard is optional.
4. A properly-fitted mouthpiece is required.
Insufficiently-padded gloves, foot and head gear will not be allowed. Equipment must be in good condition and must be free of heavy taping, tears or any other repairs that may cause injury. Equipment with heavy or too many seams on the striking surfaces is also not allowed. The approval or denial of the equipment is ultimately determined by the tournament's head rules arbitrator. Shin, elbow, rib and knee pads are recommended but not required for additional safety to all sparring competitors.
The timekeeper is the appointed helper to keep time. He/she will start and stop time at the command of the center referee and will inform the center referee when the two (2) minutes for sparring or the three (3) minutes for form have expired. In sparring, the timekeeper does not start or stop a match. His/her only duty is to keep time for the center referee.
The scorekeeper is the appointed helper to keep score. He/she will write down the number from scores of each judge, eliminate the high and low scores if 5 or more judges are being used and add the remaining scores to attain a total score. In the case of using 3 judges all scores will be included. The scorekeeper should check his/her addition a second time (calculators should be used). In sparring the scorekeeper will write down or flip score cards at the command of the center referee. The scorekeeper should inform the center referee when a fighter gets the appropriate number of points to automatically win. It is the scorekeeper's duty to listen very closely to the center referee and keep score as the referee commands. Any discrepancy or confusion of the score rests in the hands of the center referee, not the scorekeeper. The center referee will make the final score decision.
The center referee should be the most experienced official in the ring and be thoroughly versed on the rules. He/she is in complete charge of the ring and the match. He/she promotes the safety of the competitors, enforces the rules and ensures fair play. To this end, he/she starts and stops the match, awards points, makes penalty decision, administrates the voting of the other judges, communicates clearly with the scorekeeper and timekeeper and announces the winner of each match. The referee shall announce in a loud, clear voice all official decisions, and shall indicted - with voice and gesture - the competitor affected by the official decision.
Added Powers of the Referee:
Match starts and ends only with his/her command (not the command of the timekeeper).
Has final decision on any disputes on score.
Has the power to issue warnings and award penalty points without a majority decision.
Can overrule a majority call only to issue a warning or penalty point.
Automatically has power to disqualify a competitor who receives three (2) penalty points (otherwise, there must be a majority vote to disqualify).
Has power to issue time-outs. A competitor can ask for a time-out but it is the determination of the referee to issue one.
The judges call points as they see them. They may be consulted by the center referee to help in determining penalties or warnings, although the referee alone has the power to issue them. They will be asked to vote on disqualification rulings. It is the majority vote of the judges and referee that determines a scoring point.
Calls an official may make
When the referee believes there has been a significant exchange of technique, or when signaled to do so by a corner judge, he/she shall call out the word, "stop!" in a loud voice. The referee shall then return the competitors to their starting marks and address the judges by saying "Judges Call!" All judges and the center referee cast their vote simultaneously in the following manner.
Point is scored - The judge will point with his/her index finger at the competitor who he/she feels scored the point. All points to legal target areas are 1 point.
No Point scored - A judge crosses his/her wrists at waist level to indicate that he/she believes no point was scored.
No-See- The judge holds his/her hand over his/her eyes indicating that he/she could not see whether a point was scored or not.
Clash - A judge makes a motion as though he/she is hitting both fists together. This means both competitors scored at the same time, therefore, no point.
Penalty - The judge taps arm with hand as he/she points to the offending competitor.
Out - The center referee calls stop when he/she sees a competitor go out of bounds. If a call is being made and a judge believes the competitor was out of bounds, he/she points the right hand at the out of bounds line nearest them.
Disqualification - A disqualification vote is taken separately from any other vote. When a disqualification vote is asked for, the center referee will say, "Judges Call!" A judge will then point at the competitor he/she thinks should be disqualified. If he/she does not believe there should be a disqualification, he/she does not point to a competitor.
When a judge sees a point he/she should hold up one arm and he/she should yell out the word, "stop!" in a loud, clear voice to let the referee know he/she has a call.
Point Sparring Rules
Late Entries
All registrants are pre-registered. It is the responsibility of the competitors to arrive at his / her ring prior to the start of his / her division.
Length of Match
An elimination match in sparring shall last a total of two (2) minutes running time, unless a competitor earns enough points to be declared the winner before the two (2) minutes are up. Running time means that the clock continues to run during point calls, etc., unless the referee calls for a time out. During unusually long point calls, equipment adjustments, rule clarification, etc., the referee shall stop the time. If at the end of two minutes the match is tied, the match will continue into a sudden victory overtime period. The first competitor to score a point is declared the winner.
Point Values and Winner Determination
All legal hand techniques that score will be awarded one (1) point. All penalty points awarded will be one (1) point value. The competitor who earns three (3) points automatically wins. If no one scores three (3) points by the end of the two minutes, the competitor who is ahead wins.
What a Point Is
Legal Target Areas: Entire head and face (very light contact), ribs, chest, abdomen and kidneys.
Illegal Target Areas: Spine, back of neck, throat, sides of neck, groin, legs, knees and back are all illegal target areas. Any attacks to these areas could result in a warning and/or penalty points.
Non-Target Areas: Hips, shoulders, buttocks, arms, and feet are all non-target areas. Points cannot be scored to non-target area. If it is deemed that a competitor is actually attacking these areas, warning and/or penalty point may be awarded.
Illegal Techniques: Head butts, hair pulls, bites, scratches, elbows, knees, eye attacks of any kind, ground fighting, any stomps or kicks to the head of a downed opponent, slapping, grabbing for more than one second, uncontrolled blind techniques, any uncontrolled dangerous techniques that are deemed unsafe in sport karate.
Sweeps, Takedowns, Grabs, and Ground Fighting: Sweeps not to take down an opponent, but only to obstruct the balance can only be executed to the back of the front leg at mid-calf or below. These described sweeps are legal on all types of fighting surfaces if the sweep is only to force the opponent off balance so as to execute a technique to an upright opponent.
A competitor may grab the uniform top of his/her opponent in an attempt to score. He/she may grip the uniform top for one second, after which time he/she must release the uniform. Likewise, the uniform pants may be grabbed. A kick may be trapped or grabbed for one second for purposes of executing a counterattack to an upright opponent.
Deliberately dropping to the floor to avoid or evade fighting is not legal. All dropping to the floor deliberately is not legal. A fighter is down when any part of the body, other than the feet is touching the floor.
Methods of Penalizing
Warnings and Penalties
One and only one warning is allowed without penalty for breaking the rules. After the first warning is given, a penalty point is awarded to the opponent on each and every violation of the rules. If a competitor receives four warnings (giving 3 penalty point to his/her opponent) in any one match, he/she is automatically disqualified and his/her opponent is declared the winner. If the result of the first rules infraction is considered by the referee to be severe enough, he/she can omit the first warning and issue a penalty point automatically. In doing so, the referee is omitting any first warning to the offending competitor. A penalty point can determine the winner of a match.
Other Penalty Rules
A competitor cannot be penalized and still receive a point on the same call. A penalty always overrules a point by the same competitor.
A competitor can receive a point because his/her opponent was penalized and at the same time receive a point or points for scoring.
If a competitor is injured and it is considered that he/she is responsible for his/her own injury, or no fault can be associated with the injury, the opponent will not be penalized (i.e., ducking into a knee, butting heads, etc.). In the event a fighter is unable to continue because of a no-fault foul, his/her opponent will be declared the winner even if he/she is not ahead at the time of the foul.
If a competitors injury was deemed the responsibility of his/her opponent, the opponent is then disqualified, even if the injured person can not continue.
If a competitor scores a point and immediately proceeds to break the rules, even if it was after the point technique, the warning for breaking the rules voids the point ( a competitor cannot receive a point and a warning on the same call).
Causes of Penalizing
This is a partial list of possible causes of penalizing and may be used as a guideline to follow.
Attacking illegal and non-target areas.
Using illegal techniques.
Running out of the ring to avoid fighting (not fighting out).
Falling to the floor to avoid fighting.
Continuing after being ordered to stop (fighting after break).
Excessive stalling.
Blind, negligent or reckless attacks.
Uncontrolled techniques.
Any unsportsmanlike behavior from the competitor or his/her coaches, friends, etc.
Any abusive behavior from the competitor or his/her coach, teammates, family, friends, etc., such that the referee feels it affects the outcome of the match or the performance of the officials or other competitors.
Excessive contact.
Not being prepared or ready when it is time to compete.
Disqualification of a competitor requires a majority vote by all officials, except when a competitor is automatically disqualified when he/she receives two penalty points.
Drawing blood is automatic disqualification
If a competitor's injury was deemed the responsibility of his/her opponent, the opponent is then disqualified, even if the injured party cannot continue.
If a competitor scores a point and immediately proceeds to break the rules, even if it was after the point technique, the warning for breaking the rules voids the point (a competitor cannot receive a point and a warning on the same call).
A competitor is out-of-bounds as soon as he/she does not have at least one foot touching inside or on the boundary line. Stepping out-of-bounds does not immediately stop the match. The referee is the only one who can stop the match. An out-of-bounds competitor may be scored on by his/her opponent so long as the in-bounds competitor has at least one foot in bounds and the referee has not signaled to stop. In the event of a jumping technique, the attacking competitor must land with one foot in-bounds in order to score.
Sport Karate Forms Rules
Only traditional or approved variants are permitted for competition.
All competitors must present themselves suitably attired and ready to compete. They may be divided into separate divisions based on style, size, gender, belt color, origin of the form, or age. Each competitor can enter only one form division plus one weapon division.. A competitor must enter the division corresponding to his/her age and belt color.
Late Entries and Order of Performance
It is the responsibility of the competitor to be at the ring prior to the time that the form division starts. Once the division is organized and the first competitor begins, there will be no additional entries.
Time Limit
A competitor must be ready to compete when called upon to do so. All form competitors have a maximum of three (3) minutes to present and perform their routine. The time starts once a competitor enters the ring. If the judge feels the competitor is stalling before he/she enters the ring, he/she can call for the timekeeper to start the clock. A competitor whose forms exceed the 3-minute time limit will be disqualified.
Starting a Form Over
If a competitor starts his/her form over because of a memory lapse or any other reason due to his/her own negligence, he/she may perform the form again. The officials will score the competitor as though there was not a mistake, but the scorekeeper will deduct .50 from the competitor's total score. A competitor can only start over one (1) time. If a competitor does not finish on the second try, he/she will be disqualified. If a competitor has to start over not due to his/her own negligence, he/she may start over without penalizing. It is important that the referee discuss the penalizing procedure with the judges and scorekeeper. When a competitor starts over, the clock is reset and starts over as well.
External Aids
No external aids such as props, weapons, music, etc., can be used in any division except those divisions where it is permissible. No external aids can be used that would damage, disrupt or render the competition area unsafe for the other competitors, spectators or judges.

Taylor Callaway
This place is AMAZING! My son has only been taking for about a month and I can already see such a difference in his endurance, focus, and most importantly, his confidence. I cannot say enough great things about Instructor Roosevelt & his staff. They are patient, kind, and encouraging. So thankful that we found this place!

Dimple Sheth
My son Niam has been training in Ridgewood Karate Academy for almost seven months, in that time he has grown in confidence and gained a wealth of experience and knowledge. He loves going to class each week and never likes to miss a class. He has the utmost respect for Master Sensei Roosevelt Gonzalez and all the instructors. I honestly couldn't ask for better instructors, as they always make you feel welcome and are always ready to help you. Just like one big family. I love this place.

Zhen Sullivan
We visited a few potential martial arts schools. What a difference! Some places run a martial arts center as a play ground, a daycare center or a meditation center.
RKA puts the interest of students first: including a sense of safety during the pandemic and a sense of achievement.
RKA emphasizes an all around development of students, e.g. discipline, cardio, strength & conditioning, etc. We are very happy with our experience at RKA and recommend it to anyone who wants to really learn martial arts.