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Joseph Fanning

Karate Belt Order

White, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, brown, and black are the nine colors of the Karate belt. Some karate belt ranking systems may have multiple levels of the same belt color, even if most people are only familiar with the two most popular colors.

The White Belt 

The white belt is, of course, the first Karate belt. It is the start. The beautiful, white light of day greets the tiny plant as it emerges from the ground. The white belt is a brand new karate student. Basics are learned here such as how to tie a karate belt, karate belt order, basic fighting stances for karate.

The Yellow Belt 

The plant deepens into the golden tone of sunshine as it adapts to the light. The pupil is being stretched and warmed while they work toward their objectives. The yellow belt stresses the basic karate moves, karate punches, front kicks, roundhouse kicks, side kick, and very basic grappling. 

The Orange Belt

The small plant's life gets harder as the sun gets hotter. Similarly, the student finds training more challenging. The orange belt level includes more punch technique and kicks, plus ever more advanced grappling techniques.

The Green Belt 

The tiny plant is already growing again after surviving the scorching sun. The plant is sprouting green leaves and shoots. The student is developing and mastering the fundamentals even more. The fine tuning of the previous belts and karate katas is seen, especially towards the end of the green belt journey. 

The Blue Belt 

The plant is still expanding and reaching for the clear blue sky. The pupil is gaining more and more knowledge. The blue belt is the first high level belt in the martial arts. Students often meet the intense challenge during the blue belt phase. Or they take a break and come back on their black belt journey. 

The Purple Belt

The azure sky turns to purple as the day comes to a close. The depth and profundity of the student's knowledge are increasing. The purple belt refines high level karate skills in the student.

The Belt of Purple

As the day draws to a close, the blue sky turns purple. Students' knowledge is becoming more profound and in-depth. The student's advanced karate skills are refined by the purple belt.

The Red Belt

On the blooming plant, the sun's last rays are hot and red. Despite the rigorous training, the pupil has made great progress. This is the belt before the 2nd to last belt. Skills are very strong by now. A karate student with a red belt is a very worthy opponent.

The Brown Belt

The brown belt is a very advanced karate student. The student is also a pre karate instructor or teacher. Student gets up in front of the class with the black belts and assists the other belts below them with karate instruction.

The Black Belt

The black belt is the coveted last karate belt. It's the instructor belt of karate. It has 10 notches or dans (japanese) so it keeps going. It's the space behind the sun and a new beginning.

The Grand Master Karate Belt

This belt is a white and red belt on the outside. The inside is a black belt. Grand master has 10 dans. A grandmaster is the highest level of in the karate belt system and continues into very mature age.


Joseph Fanning studied at Harvard. He does web design near me

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